Get an overview of our projects

Not every product is born as such. Sometimes there is simply an idea and the idea is implemented first. Perhaps this then develops into a product, but sometimes it is just a tool for existing products or the requirements of customer projects. Here you can get a quick overview of current and past projects.

Current projects:

Blower is the new UI framework based on SCSS and Vue.js. With its Accessibility-Focus and Mobile First Components, it creates a fresh and modern CSS with a small set of Utility classes.



Blower is the new UI framework based on SCSS and Vue.js. With its Accessibility-Focus and Mobile First Components, it creates a fresh and modern CSS with a small set of Utility classes.

Coming Soon

Blower is the new UI framework based on SCSS and Vue.js. With its Accessibility-Focus and Mobile First Components, it creates a fresh and modern CSS with a small set of Utility classes.

Coming Soon
Past projects:


It can be quite tedious to find the right post label for your package, especially with changing prices. With Packager, you can scan your package with your iPhone camera and it calculates its size. Based on those results, it shows you all possible shipping options, so you can compare the different companies.